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Carol's Support Services Counselling and Hypnotherapy
Saw this today and it resonated with me so much
Carol's Support Services Counselling and Hypnotherapy
Christmas isn't a good time for everyone. If you are struggling, here are some people who maybe able to help
Carol's Support Services Counselling and Hypnotherapy
I've lost count of the amount of mistakes I've made. It's not the mistakes that define us but what happens after that defines us
Carol's Support Services Counselling and Hypnotherapy
It's natural to feel some anxiety, its the way for your body to tell you something is wrong and to keep you safe. However if it is being triggered often, for seemingly no reason or doesn't switch off easily it maybe time to speak to someone before it leaves more long lasting mental and physical health issues.
Carol's Support Services Counselling and Hypnotherapy
Sometimes don't you just want to let it all out? You may not be able to actually scream but I can provide a safe space for you to "vent" and let it all out.